Democrat-Run California is a Failed State

Driving across Arizona, it’s hard not to notice a surge in California license plates. The reason for this is becoming more apparent every day. California is a failed state.

After nearly a decade of one-party rule, the once-Golden State is tarnished, possibly beyond repair. Listing all the problems facing our neighbors across the Colorado River would require several books, so I’ll only highlight a few.

The fifth-largest economy in the world and home to many of the greatest technology companies on Earth can’t keep the lights on. The state’s three largest utilities turned off power to more than 410,000 homes and businesses on Friday, Aug. 21, then again to half as many Saturday, Aug. 22.

California’s energy policies have failed

Gov. Gavin Newsom sprung to action on Monday by announcing more blackouts. “We failed to predict and plan these shortages,” the governor said. “And that’s simply unacceptable.”

Driving across Arizona, it’s hard not to notice a surge in California license plates. The reason for this is becoming more apparent every day. California is a failed state.

After nearly a decade of one-party rule, the once-Golden State is tarnished, possibly beyond repair. Listing all the problems facing our neighbors across the Colorado River would require several books, so I’ll only highlight a few.

The fifth-largest economy in the world and home to many of the greatest technology companies on Earth can’t keep the lights on. The state’s three largest utilities turned off power to more than 410,000 homes and businesses on Friday, Aug. 21, then again to half as many Saturday, Aug. 22.

So have those to stop homelessness

Documentary filmmaker Christopher Rufo’s latest work reveals the tragic failure of the city’s homeless policies. In “Chaos by the Bay,” he shows the results of well-meaning progressive efforts, from decriminalizing homelessness to plying addicts with free drug paraphernalia, alcohol and cannabis. For the most part, rampant mental illness has been left untreated.

City leaders have commandeered area hotels to provide free shelter since COVID-19 hit, but the numbers continue to rise. Between 2017 and 2019, the number of homeless jumped by 17%. According to experts, that number has risen by an additional 20% since the start of the pandemic.

“I have never seen the level of frustration as high as it is now,” city Supervisor Rafael Mandelman said. “I hear daily from people who say they are selling, they are leaving.”

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9 Thoughts to “Democrat-Run California is a Failed State”

  1. Anonymous

    When you leave Commiefornia,leave your ‘BLUE’ vote behind.Your ‘BLUE’ vote is what got Commiefornia where it is now.Only a dumb ass would keep voting ‘BLUE’.

  2. The states of Idaho, Arizona, Texas, and Nevada are easily ripping off California and taking away its tax base in order to prosper and these free states will have the easy opportunity to rip off Pharaoh Newsom.

  3. The worst part of the hopeless situation in California is that it’s mostly the coastal areas that have been turned into a cesspool. Eastern California is mostly republican but the dummycrats all own the large cities, which vote in worthless power hungry greedy politicians like Newsome, Pelosi, Watters, Schiff. The best thing that can happen for California is to split the state in half. A few other dummycrat run states should also be split.

  4. Nellie

    Homeless in every part of CA has increased. News media doesn’t report the amount of deaths from homeless. Neeson should have used the Prisoners to clean up the under brush. There would have been less fires. Blaming the fires on lighting?? Probably more likely the riot people and other arson.

  5. Nellie

    Where is my post

  6. such a shame but the demarcates are a disease like cancer that is spreading out of control.

  7. My entire family is leaving this Hellhole state run by incompetent Gruesome tax and spend Newsome! My family has been here since 1869 and it is tragic that such an imbecilic fool and pseudo-Progressive legislature and legal system should force us to flee our native state. Good riddance and good luck collecting taxes with no tax base!

  8. When I look at that photo of a shady tin town reminds me of Puerto Rico,fying into San Juan 70 years ago. You are so right. Californians who leave have also to leave that blue vote again. If not they will have to move again in a few years. Democrats will never learn how to govern FOR THE PEOPLE FIRST. Amen

  9. Hell yes, the State of Jefferson! Cuts Cal in half. Of course, libs want to maintain control so try to force N Cal to take San Fran. We have voted on this issue for YEARS. I’m native Californian and I got out last year b/c it’s horrible. Couple of Cal laws:

    An adult who has consensual sex, either anal or oral, with a minor less than 10 years younger than them is not committing a crime. That seems right, folks…now your 20 year old neighbor can have sex with your 10 year old son. Doesn’t even have to register as a sex offender.

    A person who works in a nursing home/senior home (total care for 8-12 people-bathing, dressing, feeding, diaper duty- worst job in the world and minimum wage) MUST call a patient by zer’s preferred name and pronoun. If you don’t, you can be fined $1000 or JAILED.

    A person with HIV/AIDS no longer has to tell past, present, or future sex partners about it because they might Be ‘discriminated’ against. Because we all know how much more important it is to let someone die rather than tell them the truth.

    Anyhow, in the Texas Panhandle now in my $50k house and the best governor in the US!

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